The End of Growth in Dialogue with Joseph Beuys
Museum Schloss Moyland

The End of Growth, 2023
Isaac Chong Wai
Archival pigment print
A set of 5; each 180 x 120cm
Commissioned by Museum Schloss Moyland
“The End of Growth” features the artist adjusting his height alongside a large natural stone that resembles a human figure. In Joseph Beuys’s statement regarding his iconic work “7000 Oaks,” in which he viewed the stone as a monument to the tree, as the tree would grow but the stone wouldn’t. In “The End of Growth” the artist shifts the focus from the idea of constant-growing to the human body, which will shrink or degenerate after a certain height is reached in one’s life.

There will be no fire, 2021
Isaac Chong Wai
A series of 5 silk prints
30 x 40 cm each

Photo credits:
Photo 1 and 5: © Stiftung Museum Schloss Moyland/Maurice Dorren
Photo 2 and 3: © Isaac Chong Wai
Photo 4: © Sam van Rooij
Special thanks to Dr. Antje Britt Mählmann and Zilberman