The Silent Wall, 2014

The Silent Wall, 2014
Isaac Chong Wai
HD 10:52min in loop

The Silent Wall, 2014
Isaac Chong Wai
HD 10:52min in loop

received Hong Kong Human Rights Art Prize First Runner Up Award in 2017 and Bauhaus Essentials Award in 2014

The video “The Silent Wall”, depicts Isaac Chong Wai trying to cover the bullet holes on a wall with his hands in the city of Sarajevo, recalling the quota of bullets that the soldiers had to shoot daily. As a result, some shot the same wall, instead of people. Which bullet hole belongs to the soldier endeavoring not to murder and which one ended up in the wall after piercing a body? In the video, the sound of the city falls into silence gradually. With the noise of the city and the confounding pain in history, the silence proposed by Chong leads us to the gentle intervention of the unknown history.